Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Day 37

Tuesday 26th Of May 09 - Journal Entry

Today during humanities I edited my essay and I tried to edit my friends essay since she cannot edit because she is mentally disabled [بسم الله عليج] . I also found a lot of other mistakes on the first page of my essay but that is a different story. I think I have improved my writing skills from writing my humanities essay. Next lesson, I will type up everything and print out my final copy.

Day 36

Monday 25th Of May 09 - Journal Entry

I printed out my essay today and to my surprise I found a LOT of mistakes when I was printing it out. I found for every page maybe 10 mistakes or even more on every page.  I will be sure to edit the mistakes tomorrow in our next humanities lesson. I spent the whole day trying to cite my friends bibliography which took a long time to do. I think I have improved in humanities because well I think I just did. :)

Day 35

Sunday 24th Of May 209 - Journal Entry

I didn't get to do anything to do because I finished my essay. I finished typing up my essay, I finished editing it and I finished the bibliography. I was helping my friend a little because she was still on her 2nd characteristic. I just had to print out the essay and I was done. I will be printing out the essay tomorrow. Today,I behaved really  well in class but I was just talking in the beginning of the lesson but not a lot. :)

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Day 34

Thursday 21st of May 09 - Journal Entry

Today, I have finished my essay completely. I asked Mr Sparks if I could go to the library and check if I have written all of the books I have used. It turns out that I didn't so I wrote all of the five books that I have note written down on the bibliography note card so the next time I go to the lab, I would write them down in the books part of the bibliography. When I came back to class, it seemed like everybody was on their editing part of their essay. I think next time we go to the lab, I should check my essay several more times before handing it in.

Day 33

Tuesday 19th Of May 09 - Journal Entry

Today, everybody came back from Week Without Walls and it was time to start writing the essay again. I think we will hand the essay next week on Thursday since most people are starting to finish their essay and now trying to edit them. I started editing my words more and more until I reached the limit. The word count today from the started lesson was 1800 and something but after the lesson I edited it to become 1497 words. So that is exactly three words from the word limit. I think the next lesson, which will be on Thursday, is going to be really easy since I have finished everything. I also put the bibliography on the page so the next week Mrs Fletcher will be teaching us how to cite sites.

Day 32

Monday 18th Of May 09 - Journal Entry

I was absent. :)

[ SICK ]


Sunday 10th of May - Sunday 17th Of May 2009

Week Without Walls.

Day 31

Thursday 7th Of May 09 - Journal Entry

I have finished the entire essay. I have overall 1800 words. When we come back to school after week without walls, I will edit my essay so it will be 1500 words or maybe a little less so it will make some sense. I will also check that I did not type in first sentence and I will follow the rubric to see it I am writing the essay correctly and amazingly or not. Some other students were surprised when I told them that I am finished with the essay and they also said I shouldn't rush. I think I should slow down a bit and try to read my essay over and over again to see if it makes sense or not.

Day 30

Tuesday 5th Of May 09 - Journal Entry

Today I wrote overall 1450 words. I took my time because I was checking over and over how many words I have and if I spelt them correctly. I finished writing the introduction, about the first characteristic, about the second characteristic and a little about the third and final characteristic. On Thursday, I think I will just focus on the the third characteristic because writing the conclusion not in first person ( I, I'm , My , Etc..) is going to be really hard because in all the essays I have written, I never did tried writing an essay without I, I'm and My.

Day 29

Monday 4th Of May 09 - Journal Entry

Today I wrote 990 words ! :O I think it was a lot for one day of writing the essay an re-checking  it. I probably worked really hard because I was partly mad and because I wasn't sitting in with a group of other people. I was sitting alone. I think if I sit alone for the rest of the project, or at least until Thursday, I will be done with the project by then. So many people said that they were taking their time writing the essay but I think they shouldn't because we never know when Mr Sparks would want us to hand our assessment in.

Day 28

Sunday 3rd Of May 09 - Journal Entry

Today we were in a different lab. I think it was a waste of time in the labs. Nearly everybody was not using the computers. They were all just sitting in the table and planning their essay. I think we shouldn't have wasted 1 hour planning it because it took be half and hour or maybe less to plan the essay. I kept on thinking of an idea or two every so often but then I would realize its stupid and scribble it out. For the rest of the period I just sat on the chair and was very very quiet. I think I did a good job for completing the planning and I also think that tomorrow, I will be starting my essay.

Day 27

Thursday 30th Of April 09 - Journal Entry

Today, Mr Sparks was absent and Mr Sweeny was our substitute. If you ask me, when Mr Sweeny was here everybody was so loud and when normally Mr Sparks is here, everybody if often very very VERY quiet and would not dare to make a noise. I looked up the ancient Egyptian religion and I finished for the day 1 card and a half because it was hard not writing down something that I already wrote on a note card. By next week on sunday, we will be writing our essays, or I think planning the essay. Some people were saying they needed more time on the internet but I still think we had enough time.

Day 26

Tuesday 28th Of April 09 - Journal Entry

Today was really loud in class. I think it was because Mr Sparks gave us our grades for the journal entry. The people next to me were saying that it was completely unfair and whatever. I could not focus at ALL today because there was so much noise. I just barley finished one note card. I wrote about Government and Law. I am starting to see that I have more Government and Law cards than I do for religion. Because the other people in my class who are researching about ancient Egypt, have a mere 5 cards while i have 16. And while I have 8 religion cards they have 30 or more. i am staring to think that next time, I will research more about art and architecture and religion.

Day 25

Monday 27th of April 09 - Journal Entry

I checked other websites like yahoo and ask and, to my surprise, I found more information. I found out that the ancient Egyptians were not forced to build the pyramid, they built the pyramid  eby their own will. I didn't think that the Egyptians were so religious. They thought if they had not memorized and worshipped all the gods, they will die or get hurt very badly. I think I will search on other search engines to find out more information so I won't have a problem writing the essay in a week from now because I am really nervous that I won't finish the essay or not hand it in on time or for another reason.

Day 24

Sunday 26th of April 09 - Journal Entry

Today was a really rough day for me. Since I was sick, I couldn't focus on the researching part. I was very relived to be almost finished with the researching part and start the writing the essay part in one week! Its been very hard researching because I think I wrote some of the same things over and over again. I checked all of my cards and it looks like I have written 5 cards that have exactly the same information but in a different way. Tomorrow, I think I will check other websites not only in .