Sunday, April 26, 2009

Day 23

Thursday 23rd Of April 2009 - Journal Entry

I Was Absent. :)

Day 22

Tuesday 21st Of April 2009 - Journal Entry

Mrs Fletcher gave us these websites that we can use. Some of the people in my class are starting to say that the Internet sources are really bad so they are staring to complain to the teacher. Mrs Fletcher gave us a newer, better list to use. I got a lot of information from the new websites about Ancient Egypt. But just like last time, I think that I will just use it today. I think The next time I come to the Multi Media Lab, I will not find any of the useful sites that I will find today. So that is why I bookmarked all the useful websites I got information from to the bookmark list. I think it was a very very good idea to do that so when I come to school on Thursday, I will now where to start. Today was a very VERY quiet class.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Day 21

Monday 20th of April 2009 - Journal Entry

Today, we were in another Multi Media Lab. Lab number one. It was the lab I can never feel the slightest urge to work. Surpassingly, I worked really well. I laughed a bit but in the end of the lesson I see that I worked really well this lesson. I think it was because I was sitting next to Shakeer or something. He kept annoying me and talking to me and when he does that, i ignore him and that makes me want to work harder. Mr Sparks, I know what you're thinking. That if you move me next to Shakeer , I would work as hard as I worked today. But No. Mr Sparks No ! Please No ! :D We will be going to our usual Multi Media Lab the next day I think and the class will probably search for their own information.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Day 20

Sunday 19th Of April 2009 -  Journal Entry

Today was the same as Thursday from next week because I couldn't find any good resources. I kept tapping my pen, because thats what I do when I'm nervous, and everybody kept telling me to stop. Mr Sparks moved Al Jawhara, when she was CLEARLY not talking because he was just keeping his eyes at Al Jawhara, Latifa and I.  We were not even talking. Jawhara made a deal with Mr Sparks that if she finished twenty note cards back to back that she will move back to her old place. By the end of the lesson, Jawhara finished ten cards back to back.  Technically, she finished twenty cards. Mr Sparks if you are reading this, You are really really really UNFAIR !

Day 19

Thursday 16th Of April 2009 - Journal Entry

Today I just finished one card back to back only. The internet resources SUCK! They suck like HELL. I hate them so much. I couldn't find any good information. Either in GROLIER or BRITANICA. Even though I didn't work. I had such a fun lesson because everything that came out of our, Latifa, Al Jawhara and I, mouths were really funny even though you don't get it. I think everybody got a LITTLE distracted from our laughter. I wish for the next lesson we wouldn't laugh as much as we did today. I think Mr Sparks will move all, or one, of us the next lesson of from what happen today. But I wish not.

Day 18

Tuesday 14th Of April 2009 - Journal Entry

I am so glad we are in the Multi Media Lab now. I don't know why the other class said that the internet resources are bad ! To be honest , they are amazing! WAY better than the books. I sit next to Latifa and Al Jawhara and they do not talk to me during in class about ANYTHING , except when they want me to explain something or they want to explain something to me. We are all doing Ancient Egypt so it is easy for us to talk about something about the early civilization, Ancient Egypt. I think in the end Mr Sparks will move one of us for some reason because he dosen't concentrate on anybody in the classroom except us. And in arabic that it something that i know anybody doesn't want to be.

Day 17

Monday 13th Of April 2009 - Journal Entry

I couldn't focus at all because Majed was sitting next to Jawhara and I. He kept making owl noises and that kept making me laugh. To make it worse, I had a cold on that day so I kept getting up and getting tissues from the librarian. I would keep

on writing for a little bit more than 5 minutes, getting up and getting a tissue, and then come back. I will need to come back in break and finish this off because My friends from the other class told me that the internet resources are really really bad. So we probably come back tomorrow in the first break and finish these damn note cards off. I would like to go to the library and type them on a word document and then print it off because I want to throw these damn note cards in the trash bin because they p-- I mean, they make me angry whenever i seen them. I wish we would go to the Multi media NOW.

Day 16

Sunday 12th Of April 2009 - Journal Entry

This lesson finished really fast. I was really working hard and focusing and when anyone would talk to me I would ignore them. In the beginning ALOT of people, including me, were tired because they didn't get enough sleep. Anyways, in the end, I managed to get started working. At first we went to Mr.Sparks class, decided we need two extra day at the library and then we went to library. I got a lot of studying done because Mrs Korbatit's class were not there and the girl who takes all the books wasn't there to HOG all the books. I kept moving myself when there was a lot of people talking next to me.  For some reason, I have a million note cards stuffed in my bag. =S I put them on the library desk later because it wasn't mine Someone was taking ALOT of note cards. I had a lot done today and it was all because of us coming to library again.

Day 15

To be honest, today I worked a little. I Could not focus because it was the last day of school, spring break was after an hour, report cards were due after an hour and my family and I are traveling to Dubai by car in sixteen hours. All this for a day was to much to handle. I couldn't focus.  I had too many thoughts all at once in my head and whenever I would try to read something out of a book or something I would get lost and after five minutes my friend would shake me, because i would be day-dreaming, and tell me to work. She is a really good influence on me. Mr Sparks told us that he'll be grading the journal entries today and he wished us a great spring break. I think in the end of the library times, I'll know that the times I was laughing all went when it could have been for later and in that time I should have worked more.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Day 14

Tuesday 31st Of March 2009 - Journal Entry

Today was an AMAZING day. I started the lesson by trying to find the book about Ancient Egypt that I needed to use.  My friend and I tried to find it for ten minutes but then, at the end, Mr.Sparks found the book and gave it to us to use. He told us that this was the second last lesson at the library we have so we better get moving. Until today, before the end of Humanities, I had up to seven cards. I think it's because I always think that they are bad and I keep ripping them apart because its no use using note cards that I KNOW that in the end, I am not going to use. In the beginning of this unit, when Mr.Sparks took us to the library for the first time, I thought we had to answer the eight questions that were on the sticky paper on the Process Journal. But until last week, I knew that we were supposed to write ANY of the the three characteristics that we choose the we found in any book. That is I have so LITTLE Note Cards.  For today, I did two note cards back to back. I think its a pretty decent amount of note cards. I will be sure to come after-school on Wednesday and try to catch up with the rest of the group because I know for a fact that some people in the class have MORE THAN 30 Notecards. So I will try to get up to that amount. :)