Sunday, April 19, 2009

Day 15

To be honest, today I worked a little. I Could not focus because it was the last day of school, spring break was after an hour, report cards were due after an hour and my family and I are traveling to Dubai by car in sixteen hours. All this for a day was to much to handle. I couldn't focus.  I had too many thoughts all at once in my head and whenever I would try to read something out of a book or something I would get lost and after five minutes my friend would shake me, because i would be day-dreaming, and tell me to work. She is a really good influence on me. Mr Sparks told us that he'll be grading the journal entries today and he wished us a great spring break. I think in the end of the library times, I'll know that the times I was laughing all went when it could have been for later and in that time I should have worked more.

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