Monday, April 20, 2009

Day 21

Monday 20th of April 2009 - Journal Entry

Today, we were in another Multi Media Lab. Lab number one. It was the lab I can never feel the slightest urge to work. Surpassingly, I worked really well. I laughed a bit but in the end of the lesson I see that I worked really well this lesson. I think it was because I was sitting next to Shakeer or something. He kept annoying me and talking to me and when he does that, i ignore him and that makes me want to work harder. Mr Sparks, I know what you're thinking. That if you move me next to Shakeer , I would work as hard as I worked today. But No. Mr Sparks No ! Please No ! :D We will be going to our usual Multi Media Lab the next day I think and the class will probably search for their own information.

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