Sunday, April 19, 2009

Day 17

Monday 13th Of April 2009 - Journal Entry

I couldn't focus at all because Majed was sitting next to Jawhara and I. He kept making owl noises and that kept making me laugh. To make it worse, I had a cold on that day so I kept getting up and getting tissues from the librarian. I would keep

on writing for a little bit more than 5 minutes, getting up and getting a tissue, and then come back. I will need to come back in break and finish this off because My friends from the other class told me that the internet resources are really really bad. So we probably come back tomorrow in the first break and finish these damn note cards off. I would like to go to the library and type them on a word document and then print it off because I want to throw these damn note cards in the trash bin because they p-- I mean, they make me angry whenever i seen them. I wish we would go to the Multi media NOW.

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