Sunday, March 29, 2009

Day 11

Thursday 26th Of March 2009 - Journal Entry

In the last lesson of the day and of the week, Humanities was practically the BEST lesson I had the whole day. For some strange reason, I had fun working with my friend that talks to much. Not only did I finish three cards, I found an amazing book that I have been waiting to take for a very long time. I have been waiting for the book and researching for the book from the start of this very unit which was on Sunday 15th of March 2009. It has been waiting for over a week to get this book and now, finally, I have it. This book is really kid friendly and you can understand the words easily since it explains what every word means on the way. I adored the book so much. It has information on ALL the Ancient Civilizations. Not only Egypt, Not only Greece, Not Only Rome but CHINA too. This book is what I call spectacular. I hope next time when we go to the library again I would find this book and find even better books than this one so I would have a lot of note cards like her.

1 comment:

  1. Al Dana
    I like this entry because you tell me why the book is spectacular, not just the fact that it is spectacular.
    I would really like to see this special book. I hope you have been keeping all the bibliography information on the books you used.
