Thursday, March 12, 2009

Day 1

Thursday 5th Of March 2009 - Journal Entry

This is my reflection. My first reflection. On Monday Second Of March Two-Thousand and Nine, We offically started this assigment. I thought it will be really hard to do since my cousin was in grade seven last year and she told me all about the experience. Until now, I think its pretty easy. On Monday, we started making questions to answer with. We all decided to choose these three characteristics : Art and Architecture, Goverment and Law and Social Class. We only finished Goverment and Law. On Tuesday Third Of March Two-Thousand and Nine, I was abscent so I didn't know what we had to do on the next day. Luckily, on Wednesday we did not have humanities. Today, we had to write eight questions for each subject about Government and Law, Art and Architecture and Religion. So that makes twenty-four question toatl to write on a peice of A-Four paper. I found it very easy to concentrate today because nobody spoke to me. They all just consentrated on the assignement. Today was a really sucsessful day. This is the end of my first real reflection and it was a really good day.

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