Thursday, March 12, 2009

Day 2

Sunday 8th Of March 2009- Journal Entry

Today in class, we went to the library so the librarian would teach us how to take the information out of a book using the internet. The information of the book would be used to have a bibliography. Then we had to choose to use a book about any ancient civilization. I choose to use an Ancient China book but I found out that it was really hard , but then the bell rang so I didn't have time to finish the first page of the ancient China book. So, probably next time I'll choose a new ancient civilization and it would probably be Ancient Egypt because Ancient Egypt, in my opinion, the easiest to answer for my three characteristic which are Religion, Art and Architecture and Government and Law. While the librarien was explaining to us, I was paying asttention so the next time we go to the library, I would probably know what to do.

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