Sunday, March 29, 2009

Day 12

Sunday 29th Of March 2009 - Journal Entry

This is the first day of term three. In the beginning of the lesson, Mr Sparks and Mrs Fletcher told us to edit out Journal Entries so that it was up to date. Mine, luckily, was only two days behind. I normally forget to type it at home so I just write it down on my Exercise book. I often wait until the last day and do everything because as Mr Sparks knows, I am not the type of person that can multi-task that well. I hurt my hand yesterday by falling down the stairs. Mr Sparks said he could not do anything about it. For the whole lesson, I could not write any note-cards and I didn't. Although, I did manage to find more information on Ancient Egypt while I was searching for a book in the Ancient Egypt shelf. The best part is, at the end of the lesson, Mr Sparks told us our Term Two grades. I got a twenty-nine out of thirty-eight so that means I get a six out of seven in the report card ! I am so happy. That left me happy for the rest of the school day and it certainly did when I came home. :)

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