Thursday, March 12, 2009

Day 3

Monday 9th of March 2009 - Journal Entry

Today, Mr Sparks came back. We did not go to the library today. Instead, Mr Sparks gave us a process Journal and six "Date Due" sticky paper to stick inside our Process Journal. It had to be orginized exactly as shown on the board. The class had to write on top of the six "Date Due" sticky paper each one thing. The first sticky paper, we had to write Introduction. For the second sticky paper, we had to write our first characteristic that we choose for the Early Civilization project. In the third sticky paper, we had to write our second characteristic, which mine is Art and Architecture. On the fourth sticky paper we had to write our third and final characteristic. Mine was Government and Law. Though on the fifth paper, we had to write Conclusion. And finally,  On our last sticky paper, we had to write Bibliography. On the pockets, we had to write all eight questions we had to make up on Thursday for all three characteristic. Today was a pretty simple lesson for me. Though it could have been better if we started the lesson earlier so we could have more time to write this Journal Entry. 

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