Monday, March 23, 2009

Day 6

Tuesday 17th Of March 2009 - Journal Entry

Today is Tuesday. That means whenever we have Humanities, Mrs Korbatit's class has Humanities with us at the same time except for Monday. Yesterday, I had fun researching from the books and I found some pretty useful information for my Early Civilization project about Ancient Egypt. They will not take that away from me. I started running to the library. When I got there and rushed to the shelfs where they keep all the books about the Ancient Civilizations, so it would be much easier to take out, then to actually go find the somewhere in the library, I found out that something was different. They had Re-organized the shelves. All had stickers to show where each book was and which Ancient Civilization it belonged to. I quickly tried to find Ancient Egypt but when I got to the shelf, it was to late. I found only about four books left. When I came in the library, I did not notice the other class was there. This girl who was in the other class and was researching about Ancient Egypt took almost six books and when I kindly told her if I could borrow the book she was using that I used yesterday, she simply said the word that I love using but hate when people use it against me. No. Today, I simply did NOT write on any note-card since I didn't get any useful information. Maybe after tomorrow will be a MUCH better day that I could focus on than today.

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