Monday, March 23, 2009

Day 9

Monday 23rd Of March 2009 - Journal Entry

Today is my favorite day that we have Humanities on because Mrs.Korbatit's class is not here on Mondays. I went up to the library gleaming, but unluckily for me I didn't know that the worse had yet to come. The library was seriously packed. That was not the worst part, the worst part was that they were literally talking the whole entire lesson. My friend and I came in late because the last lesson was P.E. and we had to help the P.E. teacher to bring the balls and bibs inside and then we had to go change which normally takes us a lot of time to change and that is why we wound up late to class and got the worst place/table to use because it was right next to a bunch of screaming, non-shutting up girls. We couldn't move ourselves because there was nowhere to move to except the floor. My friend and I also needed books about Ancient Egypt but someone from the other class probably hid the books because we searched every shelf in the library and checked everybody in the library and didn't have the books we needed. We both barley got three quarters of a note card because some people fell into an argument on how many bloggers we should do. Then they had to drag everybody in our class which eventually made us not do anything the whole period. Next time I will work my best because I will be at the library in break and then third period we have Humanities, so a full two hours to work on my Process Journal.

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