Monday, March 30, 2009

Day 13

Monday 30th Of March 2009 - Journal Entry 

Today in class, we spent little time talking and more time on working. I admit, I was talking to one of my friend about something OFF the topic of the Humanities Ancient Civilization Project but in the end , I worked very well. I finished one note card front-to-back but I only finished two note cards in one one side so technically, I did FOUR cards. :D
Nothing happened today because it started off really slowly because we went in the heat to the picture and all of us were extremely tired so normally, we would ALL have worked harder. In the end, I did get some work done because my hand felt a lot better than from yesterday. I hope I can continue my good work until we go to the multi media labs which by then I would regret looking forward to using the Internet as a source than using a book as one.

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