Monday, March 23, 2009

Day 7

Thursday 19th Of March 2009 - Journal Entry 

Today, when I went to the library, I just finished a really tiring English assessment. I had to reach the library before Mr. Sparks did so that he would not keep me in after-school. Fortunately, I got there before Mr. Sparks did. Unfortunately, that girl from yesterday took all the useful books that the other people wanted. She was hiding some books under the table because she didn't want the teacher to see that she has more than seven books because today their teacher shouted at me because I had four books about Ancient Egypt and her class wanted them as well, not just me. But it is not fair that she wants to pass her lovely students and she doesn't care about the other students that are not in her class. I do not care what she thought so I went to the girl and told her to give me a book. Any book that had useful words/ letters in it since the other books were the same books I used before yesterday. I could not just sit there and chat with my friends, I had to work so she still said no but luckily, I told my friend who was doing Ancient Egypt to give me her book so today, was the same thing as before yesterday on Tuesday but only slightly better.

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