Monday, March 23, 2009

Day 8

Sunday 22nd Of March 2009 - Journal Entry

Today, I moved myself to another table because my friends were talking to me about something off the subject about Humanities. I needed to get some work done because I only had at the beginning of the lesson, three and a half cards. I needed to get more than five cards today because I made up a new rule while I was writing the last Journal Entry which was on Thursday. The rule was that every single day, I would count all my note-cards and then give me a goal for the day which would often be to increase the amount of note cards that I would have. For example, today I had three and a half note cards. By the end of the Humanities lesson, I would have, lets say five note cards with useful information. But if i didn't have those five note cards by the end of the day, I would stay in break with a friend or two that would help me do the amount of note cards needed at that day. Today, I worked extremely well. I managed up to not only five note cards, but six note cards. If I keep this rule up for as long as I can or want to, I would pass this project with flying colors.

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