Monday, March 23, 2009

Day 4

Sunday 15th Of March 2009 - Journal Entry

Last time when we had Humanities, we were at the Multi Media Lab. All of us were at the computers and had to make another blogger in our own blogger. We also had to go to our wiki-spaces and post a link that would lead you directly to the Humanities Early Civilization blogger. Enough about last time, I want to talk about today. Today we wound up in the library today. Mr Sparks got all our Process Journals and passed them out. We had to start work immediately so all of us rushed to get the best books. Unluckily, I ended up with the worst book about Ancient Egypt in the whole library, since Mrs. Korbatit's class was there and almost everybody in our class and hers, was doing about Ancient Egypt. Our class, was for my opinion, a little bit too loud in the library today. I think it was because normally, our class and the other class were all friends since we have more than two lessons together. I couldn't focus today because a lot of people were talking to me when they are not supposed to be talking to me. In the end, I managed to get half a note-card's worth of useful information.

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