Monday, March 23, 2009

Day 5

Monday 16th Of March 2009 - Journal Entry

Actually, today I managed to get a useful book. Hence, Mrs.Korbatit's class is not here in the library. We have Humanities fourth period while they have Humanities fifth period. Luckily, today nobody was talking to each other. Since that is happening, I can focus amazingly well. I finished two notecards and a half now. Though Mrs. Korbatit's class was not here, I still had problems with some of the students. Some people kept annoying me to the point that I actually went and got them the dictionary for them. I then had to force myself to move so that I could focus more. I was so glad that there was a lot more Ancient Egypt books left so that I could get an even better one when I didn't find information in a book or when I was finished taking the information out of the book. It made my life much more easier than it was then the day before because no one can take the useful books. All in all, today I actually got a lot of information in Humanities and I hope that it can continue. 

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