Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Day 37

Tuesday 26th Of May 09 - Journal Entry

Today during humanities I edited my essay and I tried to edit my friends essay since she cannot edit because she is mentally disabled [بسم الله عليج] . I also found a lot of other mistakes on the first page of my essay but that is a different story. I think I have improved my writing skills from writing my humanities essay. Next lesson, I will type up everything and print out my final copy.

Day 36

Monday 25th Of May 09 - Journal Entry

I printed out my essay today and to my surprise I found a LOT of mistakes when I was printing it out. I found for every page maybe 10 mistakes or even more on every page.  I will be sure to edit the mistakes tomorrow in our next humanities lesson. I spent the whole day trying to cite my friends bibliography which took a long time to do. I think I have improved in humanities because well I think I just did. :)

Day 35

Sunday 24th Of May 209 - Journal Entry

I didn't get to do anything to do because I finished my essay. I finished typing up my essay, I finished editing it and I finished the bibliography. I was helping my friend a little because she was still on her 2nd characteristic. I just had to print out the essay and I was done. I will be printing out the essay tomorrow. Today,I behaved really  well in class but I was just talking in the beginning of the lesson but not a lot. :)

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Day 34

Thursday 21st of May 09 - Journal Entry

Today, I have finished my essay completely. I asked Mr Sparks if I could go to the library and check if I have written all of the books I have used. It turns out that I didn't so I wrote all of the five books that I have note written down on the bibliography note card so the next time I go to the lab, I would write them down in the books part of the bibliography. When I came back to class, it seemed like everybody was on their editing part of their essay. I think next time we go to the lab, I should check my essay several more times before handing it in.

Day 33

Tuesday 19th Of May 09 - Journal Entry

Today, everybody came back from Week Without Walls and it was time to start writing the essay again. I think we will hand the essay next week on Thursday since most people are starting to finish their essay and now trying to edit them. I started editing my words more and more until I reached the limit. The word count today from the started lesson was 1800 and something but after the lesson I edited it to become 1497 words. So that is exactly three words from the word limit. I think the next lesson, which will be on Thursday, is going to be really easy since I have finished everything. I also put the bibliography on the page so the next week Mrs Fletcher will be teaching us how to cite sites.

Day 32

Monday 18th Of May 09 - Journal Entry

I was absent. :)

[ SICK ]


Sunday 10th of May - Sunday 17th Of May 2009

Week Without Walls.

Day 31

Thursday 7th Of May 09 - Journal Entry

I have finished the entire essay. I have overall 1800 words. When we come back to school after week without walls, I will edit my essay so it will be 1500 words or maybe a little less so it will make some sense. I will also check that I did not type in first sentence and I will follow the rubric to see it I am writing the essay correctly and amazingly or not. Some other students were surprised when I told them that I am finished with the essay and they also said I shouldn't rush. I think I should slow down a bit and try to read my essay over and over again to see if it makes sense or not.

Day 30

Tuesday 5th Of May 09 - Journal Entry

Today I wrote overall 1450 words. I took my time because I was checking over and over how many words I have and if I spelt them correctly. I finished writing the introduction, about the first characteristic, about the second characteristic and a little about the third and final characteristic. On Thursday, I think I will just focus on the the third characteristic because writing the conclusion not in first person ( I, I'm , My , Etc..) is going to be really hard because in all the essays I have written, I never did tried writing an essay without I, I'm and My.

Day 29

Monday 4th Of May 09 - Journal Entry

Today I wrote 990 words ! :O I think it was a lot for one day of writing the essay an re-checking  it. I probably worked really hard because I was partly mad and because I wasn't sitting in with a group of other people. I was sitting alone. I think if I sit alone for the rest of the project, or at least until Thursday, I will be done with the project by then. So many people said that they were taking their time writing the essay but I think they shouldn't because we never know when Mr Sparks would want us to hand our assessment in.

Day 28

Sunday 3rd Of May 09 - Journal Entry

Today we were in a different lab. I think it was a waste of time in the labs. Nearly everybody was not using the computers. They were all just sitting in the table and planning their essay. I think we shouldn't have wasted 1 hour planning it because it took be half and hour or maybe less to plan the essay. I kept on thinking of an idea or two every so often but then I would realize its stupid and scribble it out. For the rest of the period I just sat on the chair and was very very quiet. I think I did a good job for completing the planning and I also think that tomorrow, I will be starting my essay.

Day 27

Thursday 30th Of April 09 - Journal Entry

Today, Mr Sparks was absent and Mr Sweeny was our substitute. If you ask me, when Mr Sweeny was here everybody was so loud and when normally Mr Sparks is here, everybody if often very very VERY quiet and would not dare to make a noise. I looked up the ancient Egyptian religion and I finished for the day 1 card and a half because it was hard not writing down something that I already wrote on a note card. By next week on sunday, we will be writing our essays, or I think planning the essay. Some people were saying they needed more time on the internet but I still think we had enough time.

Day 26

Tuesday 28th Of April 09 - Journal Entry

Today was really loud in class. I think it was because Mr Sparks gave us our grades for the journal entry. The people next to me were saying that it was completely unfair and whatever. I could not focus at ALL today because there was so much noise. I just barley finished one note card. I wrote about Government and Law. I am starting to see that I have more Government and Law cards than I do for religion. Because the other people in my class who are researching about ancient Egypt, have a mere 5 cards while i have 16. And while I have 8 religion cards they have 30 or more. i am staring to think that next time, I will research more about art and architecture and religion.

Day 25

Monday 27th of April 09 - Journal Entry

I checked other websites like yahoo and ask and, to my surprise, I found more information. I found out that the ancient Egyptians were not forced to build the pyramid, they built the pyramid  eby their own will. I didn't think that the Egyptians were so religious. They thought if they had not memorized and worshipped all the gods, they will die or get hurt very badly. I think I will search on other search engines to find out more information so I won't have a problem writing the essay in a week from now because I am really nervous that I won't finish the essay or not hand it in on time or for another reason.

Day 24

Sunday 26th of April 09 - Journal Entry

Today was a really rough day for me. Since I was sick, I couldn't focus on the researching part. I was very relived to be almost finished with the researching part and start the writing the essay part in one week! Its been very hard researching because I think I wrote some of the same things over and over again. I checked all of my cards and it looks like I have written 5 cards that have exactly the same information but in a different way. Tomorrow, I think I will check other websites not only in .

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Day 23

Thursday 23rd Of April 2009 - Journal Entry

I Was Absent. :)

Day 22

Tuesday 21st Of April 2009 - Journal Entry

Mrs Fletcher gave us these websites that we can use. Some of the people in my class are starting to say that the Internet sources are really bad so they are staring to complain to the teacher. Mrs Fletcher gave us a newer, better list to use. I got a lot of information from the new websites about Ancient Egypt. But just like last time, I think that I will just use it today. I think The next time I come to the Multi Media Lab, I will not find any of the useful sites that I will find today. So that is why I bookmarked all the useful websites I got information from to the bookmark list. I think it was a very very good idea to do that so when I come to school on Thursday, I will now where to start. Today was a very VERY quiet class.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Day 21

Monday 20th of April 2009 - Journal Entry

Today, we were in another Multi Media Lab. Lab number one. It was the lab I can never feel the slightest urge to work. Surpassingly, I worked really well. I laughed a bit but in the end of the lesson I see that I worked really well this lesson. I think it was because I was sitting next to Shakeer or something. He kept annoying me and talking to me and when he does that, i ignore him and that makes me want to work harder. Mr Sparks, I know what you're thinking. That if you move me next to Shakeer , I would work as hard as I worked today. But No. Mr Sparks No ! Please No ! :D We will be going to our usual Multi Media Lab the next day I think and the class will probably search for their own information.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Day 20

Sunday 19th Of April 2009 -  Journal Entry

Today was the same as Thursday from next week because I couldn't find any good resources. I kept tapping my pen, because thats what I do when I'm nervous, and everybody kept telling me to stop. Mr Sparks moved Al Jawhara, when she was CLEARLY not talking because he was just keeping his eyes at Al Jawhara, Latifa and I.  We were not even talking. Jawhara made a deal with Mr Sparks that if she finished twenty note cards back to back that she will move back to her old place. By the end of the lesson, Jawhara finished ten cards back to back.  Technically, she finished twenty cards. Mr Sparks if you are reading this, You are really really really UNFAIR !

Day 19

Thursday 16th Of April 2009 - Journal Entry

Today I just finished one card back to back only. The internet resources SUCK! They suck like HELL. I hate them so much. I couldn't find any good information. Either in GROLIER or BRITANICA. Even though I didn't work. I had such a fun lesson because everything that came out of our, Latifa, Al Jawhara and I, mouths were really funny even though you don't get it. I think everybody got a LITTLE distracted from our laughter. I wish for the next lesson we wouldn't laugh as much as we did today. I think Mr Sparks will move all, or one, of us the next lesson of from what happen today. But I wish not.

Day 18

Tuesday 14th Of April 2009 - Journal Entry

I am so glad we are in the Multi Media Lab now. I don't know why the other class said that the internet resources are bad ! To be honest , they are amazing! WAY better than the books. I sit next to Latifa and Al Jawhara and they do not talk to me during in class about ANYTHING , except when they want me to explain something or they want to explain something to me. We are all doing Ancient Egypt so it is easy for us to talk about something about the early civilization, Ancient Egypt. I think in the end Mr Sparks will move one of us for some reason because he dosen't concentrate on anybody in the classroom except us. And in arabic that it something that i know anybody doesn't want to be.

Day 17

Monday 13th Of April 2009 - Journal Entry

I couldn't focus at all because Majed was sitting next to Jawhara and I. He kept making owl noises and that kept making me laugh. To make it worse, I had a cold on that day so I kept getting up and getting tissues from the librarian. I would keep

on writing for a little bit more than 5 minutes, getting up and getting a tissue, and then come back. I will need to come back in break and finish this off because My friends from the other class told me that the internet resources are really really bad. So we probably come back tomorrow in the first break and finish these damn note cards off. I would like to go to the library and type them on a word document and then print it off because I want to throw these damn note cards in the trash bin because they p-- I mean, they make me angry whenever i seen them. I wish we would go to the Multi media NOW.

Day 16

Sunday 12th Of April 2009 - Journal Entry

This lesson finished really fast. I was really working hard and focusing and when anyone would talk to me I would ignore them. In the beginning ALOT of people, including me, were tired because they didn't get enough sleep. Anyways, in the end, I managed to get started working. At first we went to Mr.Sparks class, decided we need two extra day at the library and then we went to library. I got a lot of studying done because Mrs Korbatit's class were not there and the girl who takes all the books wasn't there to HOG all the books. I kept moving myself when there was a lot of people talking next to me.  For some reason, I have a million note cards stuffed in my bag. =S I put them on the library desk later because it wasn't mine Someone was taking ALOT of note cards. I had a lot done today and it was all because of us coming to library again.

Day 15

To be honest, today I worked a little. I Could not focus because it was the last day of school, spring break was after an hour, report cards were due after an hour and my family and I are traveling to Dubai by car in sixteen hours. All this for a day was to much to handle. I couldn't focus.  I had too many thoughts all at once in my head and whenever I would try to read something out of a book or something I would get lost and after five minutes my friend would shake me, because i would be day-dreaming, and tell me to work. She is a really good influence on me. Mr Sparks told us that he'll be grading the journal entries today and he wished us a great spring break. I think in the end of the library times, I'll know that the times I was laughing all went when it could have been for later and in that time I should have worked more.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Day 14

Tuesday 31st Of March 2009 - Journal Entry

Today was an AMAZING day. I started the lesson by trying to find the book about Ancient Egypt that I needed to use.  My friend and I tried to find it for ten minutes but then, at the end, Mr.Sparks found the book and gave it to us to use. He told us that this was the second last lesson at the library we have so we better get moving. Until today, before the end of Humanities, I had up to seven cards. I think it's because I always think that they are bad and I keep ripping them apart because its no use using note cards that I KNOW that in the end, I am not going to use. In the beginning of this unit, when Mr.Sparks took us to the library for the first time, I thought we had to answer the eight questions that were on the sticky paper on the Process Journal. But until last week, I knew that we were supposed to write ANY of the the three characteristics that we choose the we found in any book. That is I have so LITTLE Note Cards.  For today, I did two note cards back to back. I think its a pretty decent amount of note cards. I will be sure to come after-school on Wednesday and try to catch up with the rest of the group because I know for a fact that some people in the class have MORE THAN 30 Notecards. So I will try to get up to that amount. :)

Monday, March 30, 2009

Day 13

Monday 30th Of March 2009 - Journal Entry 

Today in class, we spent little time talking and more time on working. I admit, I was talking to one of my friend about something OFF the topic of the Humanities Ancient Civilization Project but in the end , I worked very well. I finished one note card front-to-back but I only finished two note cards in one one side so technically, I did FOUR cards. :D
Nothing happened today because it started off really slowly because we went in the heat to the picture and all of us were extremely tired so normally, we would ALL have worked harder. In the end, I did get some work done because my hand felt a lot better than from yesterday. I hope I can continue my good work until we go to the multi media labs which by then I would regret looking forward to using the Internet as a source than using a book as one.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Day 12

Sunday 29th Of March 2009 - Journal Entry

This is the first day of term three. In the beginning of the lesson, Mr Sparks and Mrs Fletcher told us to edit out Journal Entries so that it was up to date. Mine, luckily, was only two days behind. I normally forget to type it at home so I just write it down on my Exercise book. I often wait until the last day and do everything because as Mr Sparks knows, I am not the type of person that can multi-task that well. I hurt my hand yesterday by falling down the stairs. Mr Sparks said he could not do anything about it. For the whole lesson, I could not write any note-cards and I didn't. Although, I did manage to find more information on Ancient Egypt while I was searching for a book in the Ancient Egypt shelf. The best part is, at the end of the lesson, Mr Sparks told us our Term Two grades. I got a twenty-nine out of thirty-eight so that means I get a six out of seven in the report card ! I am so happy. That left me happy for the rest of the school day and it certainly did when I came home. :)

Day 11

Thursday 26th Of March 2009 - Journal Entry

In the last lesson of the day and of the week, Humanities was practically the BEST lesson I had the whole day. For some strange reason, I had fun working with my friend that talks to much. Not only did I finish three cards, I found an amazing book that I have been waiting to take for a very long time. I have been waiting for the book and researching for the book from the start of this very unit which was on Sunday 15th of March 2009. It has been waiting for over a week to get this book and now, finally, I have it. This book is really kid friendly and you can understand the words easily since it explains what every word means on the way. I adored the book so much. It has information on ALL the Ancient Civilizations. Not only Egypt, Not only Greece, Not Only Rome but CHINA too. This book is what I call spectacular. I hope next time when we go to the library again I would find this book and find even better books than this one so I would have a lot of note cards like her.

Day 10

Tuesday 24th Of March 2009 - Journal Entry

Today in Humanities , I worked extra well because I was not sitting with the group of people I always sit with. Today, even though I talked a lot, I managed to finish three note-cards. That is an improvement for me because If I did not mention this before, I ripped all my note-cards since they were not useful. Although, I did take some of the great information out of the notecards before ripping them. I started again because all my note-cards were bead quality, hard to read and really the worst note-cards I have ever seen in my life. I came to the library before class started, which was in break, and I got the three most important books about Ancient Egypt in the whole library. Since I came in break in the library, I got the books before other people get a chance too. I saw some people actually hiding the other books so when they come to the library the next time, they know where the book is and don't have to rush to library and get them before other people do. I think that is really wrong. Next time, I am going to continue sitting with the people I sat with today so I can get some work done before our time at the library is over.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Day 9

Monday 23rd Of March 2009 - Journal Entry

Today is my favorite day that we have Humanities on because Mrs.Korbatit's class is not here on Mondays. I went up to the library gleaming, but unluckily for me I didn't know that the worse had yet to come. The library was seriously packed. That was not the worst part, the worst part was that they were literally talking the whole entire lesson. My friend and I came in late because the last lesson was P.E. and we had to help the P.E. teacher to bring the balls and bibs inside and then we had to go change which normally takes us a lot of time to change and that is why we wound up late to class and got the worst place/table to use because it was right next to a bunch of screaming, non-shutting up girls. We couldn't move ourselves because there was nowhere to move to except the floor. My friend and I also needed books about Ancient Egypt but someone from the other class probably hid the books because we searched every shelf in the library and checked everybody in the library and didn't have the books we needed. We both barley got three quarters of a note card because some people fell into an argument on how many bloggers we should do. Then they had to drag everybody in our class which eventually made us not do anything the whole period. Next time I will work my best because I will be at the library in break and then third period we have Humanities, so a full two hours to work on my Process Journal.

Day 8

Sunday 22nd Of March 2009 - Journal Entry

Today, I moved myself to another table because my friends were talking to me about something off the subject about Humanities. I needed to get some work done because I only had at the beginning of the lesson, three and a half cards. I needed to get more than five cards today because I made up a new rule while I was writing the last Journal Entry which was on Thursday. The rule was that every single day, I would count all my note-cards and then give me a goal for the day which would often be to increase the amount of note cards that I would have. For example, today I had three and a half note cards. By the end of the Humanities lesson, I would have, lets say five note cards with useful information. But if i didn't have those five note cards by the end of the day, I would stay in break with a friend or two that would help me do the amount of note cards needed at that day. Today, I worked extremely well. I managed up to not only five note cards, but six note cards. If I keep this rule up for as long as I can or want to, I would pass this project with flying colors.

Day 7

Thursday 19th Of March 2009 - Journal Entry 

Today, when I went to the library, I just finished a really tiring English assessment. I had to reach the library before Mr. Sparks did so that he would not keep me in after-school. Fortunately, I got there before Mr. Sparks did. Unfortunately, that girl from yesterday took all the useful books that the other people wanted. She was hiding some books under the table because she didn't want the teacher to see that she has more than seven books because today their teacher shouted at me because I had four books about Ancient Egypt and her class wanted them as well, not just me. But it is not fair that she wants to pass her lovely students and she doesn't care about the other students that are not in her class. I do not care what she thought so I went to the girl and told her to give me a book. Any book that had useful words/ letters in it since the other books were the same books I used before yesterday. I could not just sit there and chat with my friends, I had to work so she still said no but luckily, I told my friend who was doing Ancient Egypt to give me her book so today, was the same thing as before yesterday on Tuesday but only slightly better.

Day 6

Tuesday 17th Of March 2009 - Journal Entry

Today is Tuesday. That means whenever we have Humanities, Mrs Korbatit's class has Humanities with us at the same time except for Monday. Yesterday, I had fun researching from the books and I found some pretty useful information for my Early Civilization project about Ancient Egypt. They will not take that away from me. I started running to the library. When I got there and rushed to the shelfs where they keep all the books about the Ancient Civilizations, so it would be much easier to take out, then to actually go find the somewhere in the library, I found out that something was different. They had Re-organized the shelves. All had stickers to show where each book was and which Ancient Civilization it belonged to. I quickly tried to find Ancient Egypt but when I got to the shelf, it was to late. I found only about four books left. When I came in the library, I did not notice the other class was there. This girl who was in the other class and was researching about Ancient Egypt took almost six books and when I kindly told her if I could borrow the book she was using that I used yesterday, she simply said the word that I love using but hate when people use it against me. No. Today, I simply did NOT write on any note-card since I didn't get any useful information. Maybe after tomorrow will be a MUCH better day that I could focus on than today.

Day 5

Monday 16th Of March 2009 - Journal Entry

Actually, today I managed to get a useful book. Hence, Mrs.Korbatit's class is not here in the library. We have Humanities fourth period while they have Humanities fifth period. Luckily, today nobody was talking to each other. Since that is happening, I can focus amazingly well. I finished two notecards and a half now. Though Mrs. Korbatit's class was not here, I still had problems with some of the students. Some people kept annoying me to the point that I actually went and got them the dictionary for them. I then had to force myself to move so that I could focus more. I was so glad that there was a lot more Ancient Egypt books left so that I could get an even better one when I didn't find information in a book or when I was finished taking the information out of the book. It made my life much more easier than it was then the day before because no one can take the useful books. All in all, today I actually got a lot of information in Humanities and I hope that it can continue. 

Day 4

Sunday 15th Of March 2009 - Journal Entry

Last time when we had Humanities, we were at the Multi Media Lab. All of us were at the computers and had to make another blogger in our own blogger. We also had to go to our wiki-spaces and post a link that would lead you directly to the Humanities Early Civilization blogger. Enough about last time, I want to talk about today. Today we wound up in the library today. Mr Sparks got all our Process Journals and passed them out. We had to start work immediately so all of us rushed to get the best books. Unluckily, I ended up with the worst book about Ancient Egypt in the whole library, since Mrs. Korbatit's class was there and almost everybody in our class and hers, was doing about Ancient Egypt. Our class, was for my opinion, a little bit too loud in the library today. I think it was because normally, our class and the other class were all friends since we have more than two lessons together. I couldn't focus today because a lot of people were talking to me when they are not supposed to be talking to me. In the end, I managed to get half a note-card's worth of useful information.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Day 3

Monday 9th of March 2009 - Journal Entry

Today, Mr Sparks came back. We did not go to the library today. Instead, Mr Sparks gave us a process Journal and six "Date Due" sticky paper to stick inside our Process Journal. It had to be orginized exactly as shown on the board. The class had to write on top of the six "Date Due" sticky paper each one thing. The first sticky paper, we had to write Introduction. For the second sticky paper, we had to write our first characteristic that we choose for the Early Civilization project. In the third sticky paper, we had to write our second characteristic, which mine is Art and Architecture. On the fourth sticky paper we had to write our third and final characteristic. Mine was Government and Law. Though on the fifth paper, we had to write Conclusion. And finally,  On our last sticky paper, we had to write Bibliography. On the pockets, we had to write all eight questions we had to make up on Thursday for all three characteristic. Today was a pretty simple lesson for me. Though it could have been better if we started the lesson earlier so we could have more time to write this Journal Entry. 

Day 2

Sunday 8th Of March 2009- Journal Entry

Today in class, we went to the library so the librarian would teach us how to take the information out of a book using the internet. The information of the book would be used to have a bibliography. Then we had to choose to use a book about any ancient civilization. I choose to use an Ancient China book but I found out that it was really hard , but then the bell rang so I didn't have time to finish the first page of the ancient China book. So, probably next time I'll choose a new ancient civilization and it would probably be Ancient Egypt because Ancient Egypt, in my opinion, the easiest to answer for my three characteristic which are Religion, Art and Architecture and Government and Law. While the librarien was explaining to us, I was paying asttention so the next time we go to the library, I would probably know what to do.

Day 1

Thursday 5th Of March 2009 - Journal Entry

This is my reflection. My first reflection. On Monday Second Of March Two-Thousand and Nine, We offically started this assigment. I thought it will be really hard to do since my cousin was in grade seven last year and she told me all about the experience. Until now, I think its pretty easy. On Monday, we started making questions to answer with. We all decided to choose these three characteristics : Art and Architecture, Goverment and Law and Social Class. We only finished Goverment and Law. On Tuesday Third Of March Two-Thousand and Nine, I was abscent so I didn't know what we had to do on the next day. Luckily, on Wednesday we did not have humanities. Today, we had to write eight questions for each subject about Government and Law, Art and Architecture and Religion. So that makes twenty-four question toatl to write on a peice of A-Four paper. I found it very easy to concentrate today because nobody spoke to me. They all just consentrated on the assignement. Today was a really sucsessful day. This is the end of my first real reflection and it was a really good day.